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Doctor of Education


A process of evolving to the status of Doctor of Education

Education Doctorate also known as Ed.D is not simply the process of getting a title, it is the process of developing a new culture of thinking, of cultivating one as scholar and practitioner of education along with a renewed passion, dedication and focus for education as a noble purpose. This academic effort is a confirmation of one’s lifetime commitment towards enhancing the learning systems, encouraging creativity and fair chances of learning as well.

Becoming a holder of Doctor of Education requires one to have passion for teaching and the passion for change. Regardless of ones experience in a teaching background, education administration, or in a particular niche in the education industry, the drive for an Ed. Very often the motivation behind pursuing a D. originates differently: people desire to ggionder theoretical concepts in education and make insightful contributions to the problems of the sector.

The Doctorate programs of study in education therefore tend to incorporate both academic challenges as well as practical application of research. The case enables students to carry out intensive study whereby they focus on educational leadership, curriculum, policy and instruction.

Doctor of Education: Scholarly inquiry is a critical component of the doctoral students’ education as learners engage in research projects intended to solve practical problems in education.

Once the actual empirical investigations have been undertaken, and identification of qualitative data has been done, the learners provide to the body of knowledge in the field.

However, the process of attaining Doctor of Education is more than an educational process. It takes a lot of hard work, time, and dedication and being willing to work on yourself all the time. Graduate students face issues, they included the competing demands of work and school and undertaking challenges in their research projects. However, one has to pass through these difficult times to get better, learn more, and become strong educational leaders.

Finally, this Doctor of Education is much more than an academic qualification because it is a proof that the holder devoted some time in his life to the process of improving education for the benefit of society. I’ve just described what Ed will have as far as knowledge, experience and passion to bring the change. D. attend to higher learning institutions, research institutions and policy-making institutions and therefore shape the education systems all over the world for several years.

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